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Mythic Medicine, is a 5-part series hosted by Olusola Adebiyi AKA Sola Story. 

Sola Story has been described as a ‘captivating African performance Storyteller’ He grew up in a Yoruba (people of what is now called Nigeria) household and hails from a lineage of orators, priests and hunters. The proverbs and legends he learned as a child from his family, served as ‘root soil’ in his development over the last 25 years as a professional storyteller. Sola Story is also an instructor in a dance like African Martial Science called KaZimba Ngoma and has been since 2001. He uses the Manyamas (animal forms) to enhance his storytelling narratives.

Mythic Medicine will mix storytelling, visualization, mindfulness and embodiment. It will offer keys to our ability to tune in to our intuitive knowing and to bring added awareness and meaning to life.

March 25, Session 1: “Entering The Portal” - The initiation of courage

  • Invocation of myth as medicine
  • Courage Story Performance: Densu’s Journey
  • Focus:  Courage Visualisation and Embodiment Practices
  • Discussion and application

View Session 1 Here

April 22, Session 2: “Carrying The Fire”- Faith as a Transformative force

  • Invocation of Transformation
  • Faith Story Performance: The Golden Seed
  • Focus: Faith Metaphor, breathwork and group mind Practices
  • Discussion and application

View Session 2 Here

May 6, Session 3: When All Seems Lost- The Power of Affirmation and Intention

  • Invocation of Affirmation
  • Affirmation Story Performance: The Barakad
  • Focus: Affirmational Movement practices, Voice work, singing, Communication games
  • Discussion and application

View Session 3 Here

May 27, Session 4: Though Hope seems Frail - It’s Hard to Kill The Evolutionary Gate of Love

  • Invocation of Love
  • Love Story Performance: Nyinka’s Daughter,
  • Focus: Love Circles, Spirals Narrative Mindfulness, and Manyamas (animal forms).
  • Discussion and application

View Session 4 Here

June 24, Session 5: Homecoming With Gifts - Harnessing the Potency of Self

  •  Invocation of Selfhood
  • Selfhood Story Performances: 1. Fly Eagle, Fly 2. The Impatient Son
  • Focus: Creative Visualization, Visual arts my story group Presentation /performance  
  • Discussion and application

View Session 5 Here

If you are able, a donation of $15 is suggested unless you are currently enrolled in BBSH. Thank you for your consideration.

What's Your Story? Sola, Telling the Spirit of Life

Join us December 3 on Zoom when we host Olusola Adebiyi AKA Sola Story.  Sola Story has been described as a ‘captivating African performance Storyteller’ He grew up in a Yoruba (people of what is now called Nigeria) household and hails from a lineage of orators, priests and hunters. The proverbs and legends he learned as a child from his family, served as ‘root soil’ in his development over the last 25 years as a professional storyteller. Sola Story is also an instructor in a dance like African Martial Science called KaZimba Ngoma and has been since 2001. He uses the Manyamas (animal forms) to enhance his storytelling narratives. Speaking of this, one review of him says:

“His unique and powerfully captivating blend of 'Physical Storytelling,' hypnotic narrative and audience participation, is inspirational, unforgettable, and resonates with audiences of all types”

Sola Story combines Storytelling with Creative Facilitation and as Founder and Director of Narrative Mindfulness Ltd he has inspired children, young people and adults in Africa, the US and UK through two key programmes: The Awakening Creative Genius Programme, helping them develop self  belief, emotional intelligence and Creative confidence through the power of arts blended with Storytelling.

Mythic Medicine Programme: a conceptual modality that mixes storytelling, visualization,  Mindfulness and Embodiment. It provides keys to  our ability to tune in to our intuitive knowing and to bring liberating meaning to life.

As an author he published his book Nyinka's Daughter in 2016 and is in the midst of publishing more.

To view a recording of this program please click here