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Barbara Brennan Center for Healing and Research is committed to the global evolution of consciousness. Through technology, the world has become more connected in ways we could have never dreamed of. Healing systemic trauma throughout the world and throughout history has become a mandate for our organization. As such, it is our hope to provide public outreach and education for all groups of people throughout history that have been marginalized, traumatized or discriminated against. 

We recognize that racism is a systemic issue that affects the whole world. We hope that you will join us as we work to eradicate systemic racism and to promote processes for understanding, dialogue and transformation.  Following is the initiative, we took after George Floyd’s murder to begin the steps for Healing the Racial Divide. 


“Attending the HRD series was a combination of one of the most difficult as well as most rewarding things I’ve ever done for myself. Receiving the information was hard, painful and disturbing. I was awakened and will not go back to sleep. I continue my deep interpersonal quest for my part in the racial divide and how I may become an active participant toward change.” 

   E. Stilwell


"This 6-part series on Healing the Racial Divide was a superb experience for me. I was thrilled to find such quality being offered by the BBSH to all its current students and graduates at the very moment early this Spring when we all were longing for something powerful, solid and aligned with the spirit of the training offered at BBSH.

It was especially effective to have it designed and led primarily by members of the BBSH community who are persons of color, and who brought a very wide variety of personal experience and perspectives to their generous sharing. 

Additionally, they invited wise and knowledgeable experts from a wide diversity of disciplines to join them as resource persons in each presentation.

Most thrilling to me as a graduate and former faculty member was to see the leaders of the series embodying Presence, moment by moment, as they led the process they had designed - nothing "canned" - everything real in the moment. Deep bows and immense gratitude to you all. I hope this can be shared soon with an even wider audience.” 

     J. Murray


In honor of our series Healing the Racial Divide, Barbara Brennan School of Healing is offering a 60% scholarship to all Black alumni for the 3 years of our advanced training. 


Healing the Racial Divide Resources


To further your understanding of the Racial Divide, please follow this link to download the resource list that was presented to the audience.

HRD Resources




Barbara Brennan Center for International Research and Healing has partnered with Business Responds to AIDS (BRTA).  BRTA is a public-private program of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that supports and mobilizes businesses and key stakeholders in the fight against HIV and AIDS. Since its inception in 1992, BRTA has provided support to businesses through four Principles — Prevention and Education, Policies, Treatment and Support Services, and Philanthropy and Volunteerism.

  • Prevention and Education — Provides resources and tools to implement HIV awareness, prevention and testing efforts in the workplace.
  • Policies — Implements peer-based technical assistance on HR policies that address stigma and discrimination, the rights of people living with HIV, and inclusion of HIV-specific insurance coverage in the workplace.
  • Treatment and Support Services — Provides information and facilitates linkage to treatment and support services.
  • Philanthropy and  Volunteerism — Facilitates opportunities and examples of how businesses can support national and community-based HIV organizations.

Stopping AIDS is everyone’s Business. Image of male and female colleagues in a conference room joining hands together to show unity; Business Responds to AIDS logo; Act Against AIDS logo.